Texila American University

Public Health Nutrition

2 Students enrolled
  • Description
  • Curriculum
  • Grade


Course Description

Public Health Nutrition (PHN) course aims to equip students with the knowledge of community nutrition, national and international nutrition programmes and interventions. The programme strengthens students skills to develop, implement and evaluate the nutrition programmes and policies to address the different nutritional problems with greater impact and efficiency. Also, the course envisages to develop an evidence-based approach to address the nutritional problems and to reduce the risk for malnutrition in different populations. Global nutrition challenges differ and the solutions to address these public health challenges should be tailored to the context. The developing countries have double or triple burden of diseases to address and solutions to improve the scenario using both nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive approach are pertinent.


Developing countries are undergoing nutrition transition. As result addressing the nutrition challenges remains important. Although undernutrition remains a challenge, the increase in the prevalence of non-communicable diseases cannot be ignored. A majority of the developing countries need to have programmes and policies in place to contain the rising prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and cancers.  The course envisages to provide the background in principles of public health nutrition and skills and tools to equip the students to develop context-specific innovative approaches and solutions through evidence-based approach. The students will be provided a background of the existing national and international Nutrition programmes and policies in place to address the major public health challenges in both developed and developing countries. Additionally, an introduction to the new tools such as mobile-based technologies and the use of big-data analytics will be provided.


Course Objectives

The present course will provide students opportunities to:

  1. Understand the principles and concepts of Public health nutrition.
  2. Learn nutritional epidemiology and its applications in research and development.
  3. Critically analyse global food security issues and its implications on nutrition and health.
  4. Develop insights on international, national and local public health nutrition programmes to address malnutrition-undernutrition and overnutrition.
  5. Appraise the different e-tools to improve population nutrition.


Course Outcomes

At the end of the course students should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the skills acquired during the course Public Health Nutrition to improve population health.
  2. Apply the principles of nutrition epidemiology in research and development sectors
  3. Develop innovative solutions to alleviate the issues of food security and food safety.
  4. Evaluate and create context-specific health promotion strategies to prevent and reduce non communicable group of diseases
  5. Use the e-health tools to form solutions for the existing public health nutrition challenges


Grade details
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Grade Points
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Course details
Lectures 16
Quizzes 12
Level Beginner

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