The Why, What, and How of online Certificate in Research Methodology | CPD

The Why, What, and How of online Certificate in Research Methodology CPD

Let’s begin this article with a focus on WHY! It is why this stream is gaining importance for people focused on scientific research.

WHY is Research Methodology critical? How does it benefit you during the research process?

A sound research methodology provides a comprehensive plan for your study. It helps make the study process smooth and effective without going off-track. It also ensures its legitimacy. Your research methodology will help readers understand your approach, strategies, and techniques to execute your study.

Let’s look at some of the benefits. A sound methodology helps you with:

  • The detailed plan to follow throughout the study process
  • Select the appropriate objective and methods required for your study
  • Document what you intend to accomplish at the initial stages of your study
  • It gives sufficient information about your research for future reference

It would help if you now had a fair idea of WHAT it is all about.

The strategies and techniques adopted in collecting and analyzing your data. It is a detailed plan of the systematic process followed in executing your study. It also ensures valid and reliable results align with your aim and objective. It explains the operation of your data collection methods.

In a thesis, dissertation, or academic journal, you would have come across details on the choice of approach, strategies, and techniques used in research with the necessary justification.

A sound methodology will have a suitable justification for the strategy and techniques used in the research. And will help to provide valid and reliable results.

You will be wondering by now how to write one? The following steps will give you a brief outline of the process involved, which will help you decide on joining a certification program.

  1. Restate the problem of your study
  2. Explain the type of research you have chosen along with appropriate justifications for your choice of approach and strategies
  3. Reasons for choosing alternate methods in your research
  4. Describe the process of data collection methods
  5. Explain the methods adopted to analyze the collected data
  6. Evaluate and justify your choice of methodology
  7. Discuss the challenge you faced and how you dealt with it
  8. References to all the sources that helped you determine the appropriate methodology. This strengthens the legitimacy of your research.

Tips for writing a methodology:

  1. Give appropriate reasons
  2. Take notes and make a record of your work as required
  3. Focus on your research questions
  4. Ensure that your methods are well-structured to suit your audience

If you are a critical thinker with a creative and analytical mind, you can get into research and go places.

Why should you pursue Research Methodology Certificate Course?

  • It gives you a comprehensive understanding of the research methodology
  • It introduces you to the principles of research, ethical practices, and challenges associated with research.
  • It also exposes you to the three elements of the research process – quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method approach.
  • It lays the perfect foundation to enhance your critical review skills. This, in turn, helps you review the literature relevant to your field or interests.
  • It will also help you understand the global environment based on your research findings.

The primary aim of this course is to orient and familiarise you with the fundamentals of research methods. To be more specific, the course aims to introduce you to the basic concepts used in generic and social science research methods and their approach. It includes discussions on the research plan, sampling design, and techniques used in the analysis.

Career opportunities:

On successful completion of the Research Methodology Certificate Course, you will be able to excel in the critical areas of research. You can get to work as a lecturer/teacher, researcher, or scientist.


A Certificate in Research Methodology will help you get a decent hike in salary.

Why choose Texila CPD:

Texila’s Center for Professional Development (CPD), launched in 2015, Is a division of Texila Education. We aim to help professionals pursue short-term programs, enhance their skillsets and move ahead in their careers. Our comprehensive curriculum, holistic approach, and hands-on learning empower you to excel in your careers.

Advantages of learning with Texila CPD:

Our courses are 100% online certificate programs. Adheres to international standards. Our online programs are designed to keep your busy schedules in mind. Hence, they are of short duration, that is about three months. Have flexible schedules and are affordable. Our curriculum, designed by experts, follows Bloom’s Taxonomy Approach. Get to learn the evolving trends with hands-on learning.

Course Curriculum:

  • Introduces you to research, research problem, and research design
  • Designing & executing research study and preparing grant proposals
  • Familiarises you with ethical practices and process data in health research
  • Enhances your skills in reporting and publishing research findings

Highlights of our Research Methodology Certificate Course:    

It helps you to:

  • Explain in detail your research process in public health practice.
  • Identify the research problem. Select the appropriate objective and methods required for your study.
  • Describe the relevance of the problem chosen for your research.
  • Design a plan to execute your study. And also ensure valid and reliable results in line with your aim and objective.
  • Explain your research process to fellow scientists and investigators, policy-makers and administrators, and the public.
  • Prepare proposals to funding agencies. Be aware of ethical practices and safeguard the interest of all participants.


  • Professionals with a Bachelor’s degree and relevant work experience can join our intermediate-level program.
  • Professionals with a Master’s and working in the same field of study can opt for our advanced-level program.
  • The great news is that professionals with a Master’s or Ph.D. degree can transfer their qualification credits to pursue our program.

HOW to register for our online programs:

  • Login to Texila CPD site: Visit our website
  • Select the Certificate in Research Methodology program from the Public Health drop-down menu.
  • Make payment and enhance your skills for new challenges.

Key Takeaways:

Research methodology is nothing but a detailed plan of the systematic process followed in executing your study to ensure valid and reliable results align with your aim and objective.

It explains the strategies and techniques used in data collection and data analysis.

A sound methodology will have a suitable justification for the strategy and techniques used in the research. And will help to achieve legitimate results.

It’s a comprehensive plan for your study. It helps make your study process smooth and effective without going off-track. It also ensures the legitimacy of your work. It will help your readers understand your approach, strategies, and techniques to execute your study.

Texila CPD offers the best Research Methodology Certificate Course. As stated earlier, on completion, you get to:

  • Understand the purpose, scope, and process of research in public health practice.
  • Determine and choose appropriate samples for your study from the community or global population.
  • Arrive at valid conclusions from data using appropriate statistical procedures.
  • Write excellent articles for publication in scientific journals. Prepare proposals to fund agencies for grants of funds to support your study.
  • Aware of ethical practices and ensure complete adherence to norms of everyone concerned.

Get set to face challenges!

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