
Certification in Advance Application Of Practice Based Research In Public Health


  • Develop a research orientation among the unit scholars
  • Create a robust familiarization with the fundamentals of research
  • Familiarize with the research methodology, research methods both quantitative and qualitative
  • Formulate and present effective business and research proposals
  • Familiarize with different kinds of report writing


Practice-based research is a systematic inquiry into systems, methods, policies, and programmatic applications of public health practice. The course on Advanced Application of Practice-Based Research in Public Health aims to prepare the experts to design and test feasible, evidence-based programs to address various public health challenges.

In this course, the students expose the issues like the need for practice-based evidence, tools, strategies that investigators can use to generate practice-based evidence, approaches to translating practice-based evidence into practice, and recommendations for making practice-based research norms in public health.

Additional information


3 Months


Certificate of Completion

Career prospects

On successful completion of the course, the learners get employed as Dietitian and Nutritionist, Emergency Management Specialist, Epidemiologist, Health Educators and Community Health Workers, Microbiologist, Public Health Nurse, Social and Community Service Managers.

Learning Outcome

  • Use research paradigms and essential elements of Practice-based Research in Public Health.
  • Analyze various types of data sources & mechanisms/processes in Public health systems, and develop research proposals, research papers & reports
  • Use various research methods such as Geographical Information System (GIS), asset mapping, Economic analysis, public opinion polls, health needs assessment, performance assessment, case studies, scenario building, focus groups discussion, survey method, Nominal Group/Delphi technique, and key informant interviews.
  • Make an assessment of the health needs of communities, health hazards in the environment and determinants of health needs of the communities.
  • Make an assessment of the Occupational health problems, workplace environment, effectiveness of public health interventions, public health services, public health programs and do advocacy for Public Health with policymakers and program managers.
  • Demonstrate skills in community involvement in public health programs and advocacy with various stakeholders


  • Module 1: Introduction to Practice-Based Research in Public Health
  • Module 2: Research for Innovative Solutions in Public Health Problems
  • Module 3: Application of Practice-Based Research in Public Health
  • Module 4: Development, Management & Quality Assurance of Public Health Systems


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